Last weekend, i spent time membersihkan bilik, yang mana memang sudah lama x d bersihkan..
Then i bump into this books, which i think not realy useful to me as it was before.. So i decide to let go with much cheaper price..
Most this book saya gunakan semasa masih study d UiTM (graduated Mei 2009). Those might not the updated version, but berbaloi la dgn harga yg saya letakkan..(and still I think suitable for your guys reference)
So take your chances!!
Book condition:
85% as new
Let go for RM18.00
This 2 books let go for RM25.00
Book condition:
1.Consumer Behavior 70%
2.Product Management 90%
This 2 books let go for RM40.00
Book condition: (both hardcover book)
1.Advertising, Promotion 75%
2.Marketing Channels 80%
Book condition:
85% as new
This 2 books let go for RM25.00
Book condition:
1.Business Accounting (Intoduction) 80%
2.Costing (Cost Accounting) 80%
*you may take all book for much more cheaper RM100.00 only.
**Jika ambil semua buku sy blh tlng deliver ke rumah anda ^_^
you always welcome to pick up at my place
***COD: untuk KK area sahaja.
****Any postal charge will be u own cost.
Thanks For Viewing^_^